Monday, March 27, 2023

Hit Again -- The Sickiest Sick Season

 This week started with beautiful weather, the first day of spring, free Italian ices to celebrate spring, and then major turns for the worse... snow and sickness and some dumb moments. Ready for better weather and health.

The worst part of the week hands down was when I was so unorganized post-Utah that I knew we had our first practice at a certain park at a certain time and I thought it was for Bennett for soccer. But it was for Westin, for football. ??? He is not even signed up for football because I canceled it in November, but they didn't remove me from the roster, and Bennett's soccer team doesn't have a coach yet but Westin's does so I thought I was getting emails from both soccer coaches but it was one football one soccer. Long lame story, BUT the reason I had canceled in November is because we found out this league's games are all on Sundays. So I canceled two days later and Westin seemed to totally understand. But this kid's obsession with football grows every single week and that was months ago, and to (accidentally, ridiculous I know) take him to a practice where he got his jersey and his flags and played for an hour and LOVED it and then tell him that we can't keep going because of Sunday games... he was heartbroken and so mad. I tried to help him with his disappointment but it was also hard for me because we see a lot of things so differently. He was so frustrated that a game not during church was still not something I wanted our family to go to. And I get the logic, I do, but I don't really know how to teach a lot of principles beyond the logic for him. He's practical and skeptical and logical and thoughtful in so many ways beyond his years, and it offers him both advantages and frustrations in life. I honestly hated all sides of the situation and we had a hard start to the week, straight into all of us dropping one by one to a stomach bug.

Asher threw up multiple times, then Westin (19!), then Camden, then me, and somehow Michael and Bennett have stayed strong, BUT Michael came down with something totally different and also can't move his neck hardly at all right now, which is so worrisome for work tomorrow.

Honestly, we're suffocating from cold and sickness and this season has felt so long. I had Florida and Utah in my mind as the end game for getting through winter, So to be on this side of those trips and spring break and still feel like I have a sick family who can't go outside much is just driving my crazy.

But we'll get there. We'll get there! We got a new bishopric today and the sacrament meeting was so beautiful. I watched it from home because of our germy state, and I loved the testimonies that were shared so much. There's a lot of my testimony that is just in me, and a lot I've had to really work for and sort out. But I think I'm learning more and more that being a believing spirit has been a blessing/gift for me in this life and that comes with some wonderful sides to it but I feel like I am not teaching my children as well as I wish I was, because so much of my heart and faith and believing feels kind of unexplainable to me.

This is turning into rambling. I just want my kids to have a happy life and a close relationship with Christ. I want that so much. And I want us to stop throwing up. And no more snow. That's my list this week.

Free Rita's for the first day of Spring!

I'm a chocolate gal all the way but when it comes to Italian Ice I only want lemon. Two of my boys ordered chocolate and after Asher had tried both, he wanted nothing at all to do with my lemon and only wanted their chocolate bites. I thought it was so funny. I love when their opinions form before they're even communicating them and you just know them long before the words come.

Made it to playgroup on Tuesday

Story Time on Wednesday

He was so proud of this tower

Then our week took a sickly turn.
This was after Asher's Wednesday nap, when he'd just lay on me, fall asleep, wake up, throw up, lay on me, fall asleep, wake up, throw up, repeat. So sad.

He was so proud of going down this big slide by himself.

Asher's bug spread to Camden, me, and Westin.
Somehow Bennett and Michael stayed strong.
This is us after a horrible night of throwing up.

He didn't move for 45 minutes while I planned what to wear to Taylor Swift with my two friends haha.
This weekend will feel VERY different than next weekend... I am so, so excited.

We're back to a dining room full of boxes while we finish the basement. It's already finished being framed and this week starts electric and plumbing.
The boxes around my dining table remind me of back when we moved in and painted our cabinets right out of the gate.
I don't miss those days but I am very happy the painting happened.

Sweet boy.

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