Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ending the Year in Evansville

After a couple days in Indianapolis,
we drove down to Evansville to spend New Year's with Michael's family.

We had so much fun! Katie and Ryan drove from DC,
Danny and Diana drove from Iowa,
and Rachel flew in from Colorado.

Our first night there we celebrated Danny and Rachel's birthdays that are coming up.

Double birthdays mean a lot of candles. And lots of yummy cake :)

The next day we had another Christmas morning! 
It was so fun to see little Jocelyn and Madeline open up their Christmas presents,
many of which were princess themed.
Danny is excited for baby Ethan to get here soon! :)

It was so fun being with everyone and feeling like it was Christmas day again.

And we even had a WHITE second Christmas, just like the first! 
It snowed all night, and the trees looked incredible in the morning.

We went out to the horses before the wind knocked down the snow.
Evy and Sadie were loving do dogs never ever get cold? Or tired of playing?
 Riding around the land was so much fun.
I rode with Michael most of the time,
which meant I usually couldn't really see what's coming.
He'd hit a branch out of the way and I'd see it right about the time it was unloading all its snow on me.
It was pretty dang wet by the end...
So don't go drawing your own conclusions about our wet jeans in the pictures.


We just kept laughing every time snow would pile on us,
it was so fun. And beautiful. And quiet. And cold. And great.

When the actual New Year came around, we sorta forgot to celebrate.
I was in one room with Michael's sisters, and he was in another room with a high school friend.
I'm totally ok with that. I've never had a New Year's tradition, 
besides always getting Thai food with Ali.
But let's be honest...we're always up for an excuse to get Thai food.

And now, 2013! I made a bunch of monthly resolutions that all lead up to....
another one of THESE.

It's high time, people.

Thanks Daetwyler family, for the great time!!


  1. Firsts your hair is getting SOOO long! Second that picture with you two on the horses by all the trees is amazing! Beautiful!

  2. Wow- great pics! It looks like you stepped into Narnia :)


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