Sunday, January 23, 2022

Checking Off Days

These are not eventful days.

Covid, winter, newborn time, boards studying =

a whole lot of nothing going on.

But highlights from the week:
Michael coming home Monday night!
Making healthy food all week for the first week since Asher was born.
Bennett got to go back to school (for three days at least -- two-hour delay because of ice meant he was home Thursday again).
Asher's first 5.5 hour stretch of sleep, and half the victory was that I got 5 of those.
Westin swam allllmost the length of the pool at swimming lessons!
Westin went to his first basketball practice/game Saturday even though he was verrrrrry nervous. I'm trying to teach him that brave means doing things even when you're scared, not just not being scared at all, and he seems to take heart from that.
Less fighting, a little more outside time, a little more sleep, and another week of this high demand stage down :)

If I did a low points list I'd have to include the moment that Camden was REALLY mad at Bennett and when I intervened he turned to me and yelled, "You shut your mouth, mama!!!!" And no one is fessing up to teaching him that... he got his first time out, and that gave me a minute to secretly laugh at that even though it's also just so heartbreaking when they learn to be sassy. Stay tiny, Asher.

But, we won't include a low points list :)

Michael is super ready to be done studying. He takes boards in ooooone more week and the countdown around here is real. Westin is looking forward to making a shirt for the 100th day of school. Bennett is working hard on his letters with me but learning to read and learning to ride a bike feel like big hurdles to that little cutie right now. Camden seemed like a big kid this weekend when he was 85% cool with getting a haircut, compared to the 0% cool with it that he's been every single haircut up until now. I forgot we used to turn on a show while Westin got haircuts and it helped a ton, so we did that this time and it made a big difference. He and Westin are so similar in so many ways. We fed the missionaries this week for the first time since baby, and we have sisters now instead of elders. It was fun to get to know them but also, wow Michael and I felt very old after. We're not old. But we're not babies anymore.

Here's to getting through our last full week of January! Always an accomplishment to get the year rolling and make our way into Spring.

My view these days.

We're about to turn this closet into a pantry!
Cutest helpers. Westin wore safety goggles while we measured the walls :)

My kids just eat soo much.
Westin ate another one of these full plates and then half again.
They are growing!

Dinner helper. We make dinner in the mornings usually because Asher takes a good nap and I never know what afternoons and evenings are going to look like.

How many pictures do I have that look like this.... :)

So close to that laundry shoot. So close.

Camden loves to say "Mama, 'nuggle me!"
(Snuggle me.)
He says it to daddy all the time, and even Westin, and Westin is the cutest big brother to this kid.

These two have a sour patch style relationship...
So sweet, so sour, so sweet, back to so sour.

Swagger walk to school.

A cozy winter newborn life, even with these big brothers to keep up with.

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