Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving and Westin is 9!

 We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

The Cannons and Katie's kids were up here most of the week. We did the children's museum, Warren Park, Totally 80s Pizza, lots of puzzles, lots of football, lots of chatting. I love when they are here SO much.

We did Thanksgiving Day at Katie's and it was so full of deliciousness. I was so grateful we could be with so much family that day.

We celebrated Westin turning 9 and I can't believe it! We've got 2, 4, 7, and 9 around here now, and it just feels like stages are shifting. Sweet boys.

Westin is such a football-loving, cute kiddo. Wants to learn, wants to do what's right, loves to help in the kitchen, so patient and sweet to Asher, kind to everyone at school, loves Activity Days and school, such a quick learner at the piano (and so many things), and is such a sweetheart. We love you, Westin -- it feels like you were our baby not so long ago at all. We brought Wesitn home on Thanksgiving day in Indianapolis years ago, and I just am more and more grateful for him all the time.

Asher loves this little table at this playground.

Luna went down the slide a couple times :)
It was a cold day, but fun to be at the park with cousins!

Gingerbread house time!
We had some issues with structurally sound construction, but, came together in the end.

These boys!

Sweet Westin, he was excited to have some ice cream cake with cousins to celebrate his birthday the day that everyone was here!

Kitty never lies on beds we get her.
And I hate when she's on our bed. 
So we tried again, and she wouldn't have it, so this bed has been next to our bed waiting for me to return it.
Then a few days later I noticed her all curled up in it and I regularly find her in it now. I'm so happy she has finally deemed it worthy haha.

Museum of Discovery with cousins

The wind tunnel is an experience :)

Date night for the very best sushi.
The mikan sushi was amazing.

Party table at Thanksgiving!

Such a nice Thanksgiving together.

Luna had some Thanksgiving turkey too.

Sooo many pies.

Grandma sent a CSU sweatshirt that he's excited to wear at games.

I got the teenagers a treehouse kit instead of just a regular house and Ella totally rocked the challenge :)

Second birthday cake for this boy :) 
9!!! I can't believe it. Too many numbers go up in November around here.

Shameless selfie to document that I have finally figured out how to dress for church AND winter.
Big thick socks under my boots. A sweater over my dress, tucked into a belt. I used to just think Sundays had to be cold days but I am learning :)

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