Last night he...
Studied and studied and studied. And studied. This week, he studied and studied. And studied. And ate a lot of chocolate chip cookies and the last Easter bunny of the Easter stash. So that he could keep studying.
Last night I...
Studied and studied....a new skill? No, I didn't study. But I appreciated Michael's studying, and told him so, and worked hard on this new found [developing and not quite yet a] skill. It makes me feel very...mature? And kind of like I have ADD. And no, I'm not crocheting a Yamaka. The beginning stages are just a little deceiving.
And tonight we...
Are off to see and hear good music. With good friends. Then we'll get home so Michael can study and study...
And study.
Can you even handle the excitement that is our lives this week? This weekend looks promising though.
Sounds a lot like my life...minus picking up a new skill. Haha I don't know if my brain can pick up anything anymore. ;) good luck to you both if finals are coming up (cuz we both know that it's just as hard on us wives;) you are one talented girl maddie!!